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A Culture of Inquiry

How do we know that our designs enrich the user experience, improve user performance, or enhance the well-being of people in a space? Every project is an inquiry and every planning committee is a community of learners that, through the design process, reveal the vision and intentions of a space.

But how do we know if we are successful? How do we know the design worked? We assess, evaluate, improve, learn and share. This page is dedicated to sharing what we have learned over six decades of research and practice.

School Renovations that Elevate Student Success and Well-being

A Case for Biophilic and Student-Centered Designs

The purpose of this assessment is to examine the effects of a renovation featuring biophilic and student-centered design elements on the teaching and learning environment.

A Case Study of Bethel-Hanberry Elementary

Elevating Learning Environments through Biophilic and Student-Centered Designs, authored by James W. O’Connor, DBA of University of South Carolina Upstate Johnson College of Business and Economics and Crystal Ball O’Connor, PhD of Monarch Education, the Bethel-Hanberry Elementary School case study examines the comprehensive integration of biophilic and student-centered design to “close the loop” on the effectiveness of design strategies through surveys, data collection, and academic performance.

The Future of the Library

As libraries yield their storied history to the technological advancements of contemporary life, public libraries continue to lead cultural transformation, even as their image as repositories of the printed word faces the whisperings of obsolescence.

Biophilic Design

And Its Impact on Student Success

Craig Gaulden Davis Architects assembled a multi-disciplinary team of scientists, educators and designers in an AIA-funded study to determine the contribution of biophilic design to student stress reduction and academic performance.

Enhancing the Quality of Life for Seniors

Thanks to advancements in scientific and healthcare research, people are living longer. Municipalities that invest in community centers and programming for seniors reap the benefits of reduced physical and mental health services for the elderly. In response to these developments, architects must be sensitive to the needs of older populations when designing such spaces.

Wayfinding Design

Principles for Architecture

Clear wayfinding design is intuitive and nonverbal. It helps users to access the various spaces within a building, reducing stress and increasing efficiency. Learn 5 principles for wayfinding design in architecture.

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Kirk’s Paradigm

Six “Gotta Have” Factors

Kirk Craig, one of CGD’s co-founders, used to say there are six ‘gotta have’ factors for a great project. If one of these is missing, the whole project can suffer for it. If you can get all six things to come together, then you have an opportunity to make something great.